I had the day off today, and I spent it mostly doing housework. I did 8 loads of laundry, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, and did general picking up. It tired me out! I guess it's even harder to do all that with a big house. All I have to worry about right now is our little apartment.
Kevin and I have both been reading a book called "Irrisistable Revolution" by Shane Claiborne in our separate men only/women only breakfast groups. It's pretty radical, but I'd recommend it because it is definately thought-provoking. The book mainly deals with issues of poverty/homelessness and other issues of social injustice, and the appropriate Christian response.
And just because it makes things more interesting, here's a picture:

This is me and my life-long friend Sara (taken when we were about 7 or 8 years old). It was Sara's birthday on Monday. :) In case you're wondering, we are wearing Dutch costumes for the annual Tulip Festival in Holland, MI. We marched in the Children's parade every year for school.


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