
Showing posts from June, 2008

Ein's strange swelling: episode 2:

Last night Ein's lip randomly started swelling again. This is the second time this has occurred. The only thing I can think of that might have caused it was the yogurt I gave him, because I think I may have given him yogurt last time it happened as well. Of course it could also be some type of bug bite. It's very strange. I gave Ein some children's benadryl, and the swelling went down. He looks normal again now, but he sure did look funny last night! I had an extremely busy day at work, and I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed! Stephanie
We spent Father' s Day weekend with Kevin's parents. On Saturday, we watched a bit of the mud run at Camp Pendleton, and then went to the "Wild Animal Park" in Escondido. Here are some of the animals we enjoyed: Kevin's favorite, the California Condor Sleeping lion cub Giraffe and baby giraffe a cheetah Okapis A young gorilla being a nuisance to an older gorilla a portion of the mud run. Kevin is interested in running this 10k with muddy portions and obstacles next year. Unfortunately, I now have strep throat....again! That's the 3rd time in about 9 months! I'm missing two days of work, but I'm already feeling a bit better. -Stephanie