
Showing posts from August, 2009

And the Rest of the Trip

Alright folks, there's lots to cover so this is going to be a long one. I suggest you take a potty break and grab some cheese-puffs and Root Beer now before delving into the wonderful world of Kevin and Stephanie. Got your stuff? No? That's OK. I'll wait................ Ready? Ok great! Let's get started. Now. Where did we leave off? Oh yes, Steph was telling you about our various Erie PA adventures. No no, Erie Pennsylvania...not creepy public announcements. That's subject matter for another post. Well, after Niagara Steph and I went to Presque Isle and did a bit of kayaking. I prefer to have my own kayak as that allows for about 20x the mischievousness of sharing one, but alas, we are on a budget. The next day we drove up to Dorr to spend some time with Steph's parents. August 5th was our Anniversary. 3 happy years. We celebrated at Via Maria in Holland. We've gone to eat there for just about ever anniversary event in our relationship (including dating). W

visiting Anderson family

Kevin and I flew out to Erie, Pennsylvania on July 28 to visit Kevin's family. We got there in time to celebrate Marcie's golden birthday. She turned 28 on July 28! Marcie got some phone calls to wish her a happy birthday as she enjoyed her little ice cream "cake." Otto gave her a big birthday hug On Wednesday we went to the Townridge Nature center. The tower was a bit windy... so happy to be on vacation! Somehow I got coaxed into playing tambourine at a little concert in front of the art museum. Kevin's parents live close to a nice Creek, where Otto loves to play. It was fun to walk in. We went to Presque Isle several times while in Erie. Otto loves to swim and chase skipping stones. On Friday we headed to Niagra Falls. It was my second time seeing Niagra Falls, but my first time on the American side. We went down to the cave of the mist for some first-hand experience of the American and Bridal veil falls. From the foot of the American falls, we got a good view