
Showing posts from February, 2009

Stephanie is forcing me to update...

Image here I am. First off, we had our last Friday at Ski Club this week. Last Friday I took myself out fairly early going over a jump and landing squarely on my rump, making walking, standing, sitting, and just about any other form of existence you can think of fairly painful. Well, I could still feel it a little on Friday, and it was pure ice. So what do I do but go ahead and try the same jump...and do the same thing...and make the same posterior injury even more of a pain in the rear ( hahahaha ...I make myself laugh). So I benched myself at about 6 p.m. with another 4 hours of skiing to go. But some good did come of it. I was talking with Scott, one of the parents that was gracious enough to not only drive every week, but to take a truckload of hyperactive girls with him. Well, we naturally got onto the subject of how wonderful Ebay is, and he told me about how one time he just went through every category on Ebay . He then told me about some of the crazy things he saw in the categ