
Showing posts from June, 2009

Palm Springs Tramway with the Herrs

Today, Steph and I went up the Aerial Tramway in Palm Springs with Ashley and John Herr. For those of you who don't know, Ashley is a friend of mine (Kevin) from Youth Group back at New Covenant in middle and high school. Ashley and her husband were in 'So-Cal' (I'm so hip...using terms like 'So-Cal') for a wedding. I saw on Facebook that they were in Palm Desert, which is only about 45 min. away from us and proceeded to mention this fact and Ashley suggested we do something as they were not on any sort of tight schedule. Very random, and very unexpected, but nonetheless quite enjoyable! (This was the first time in probably 6 or 7 years that we had hung out. Yeah yeah, she was at our wedding, but that totally does not count as 'hanging out'.) Yeah, it's a pretty crazy climb. Not at all for the feint of heart. At one point half way up the mountain, Jaws came and tried to bite through the cable. John and I had to climb on top of the tram car and wre

Our New Crib...Yo.

Ok , so we'll start this virtual tour with our master bedroom and work our way down. First, we have our shower. As you can see, Stephanie and I are very excited by the fact that this shower head is actually ABOVE our heads, unlike our last one that was about shoulder height on me. Gasp! What is this strange little room that you can walk into? It is just for storage? A WALK-IN closet?! You mean we actually have storage room now? Wow! The one sort of weird thing about our new place is that the sink is fully visible from the rest of the room. But hey, I'm sure we'll get used to it. Anyway, if you go to the left, you have that handy-dandy walk in closet, and to the right is the bathroom. And by the way, who is that sexy photographer? Another view of the bathroom from the master bedroom. The bedroom from the perspective of the bathroom. Where the magic happens. I'm talking about sleep of course. This is the mini-hallway between the master bedroom and the other upstairs room.


Today Kevin ran the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton. The mud run is a world-famous 10K through huge dirt hills, obstacles, and lots of mud. Several of our friends also ran the mud run this year, but for the most part, Kevin ran with his friend Greg. Kevin and Greg thought it would be fun to run in bright green WOMEN's shorts. I do not know what possessed them. The shorts did, however, show off their "man thighs." Look for the green. This is a massive race, with 4,000 participants from all over. The crowd at the starting line was astounding. Below are pictured some of our female teacher friends with their team. Participants could race individually, or with a team. Kevin and Greg raced individually, but sort of had their own informal 2-man team. coming up to the mud pit in the homestretch this was some serious mud, and Kevin and Greg did a good job of staying low, and not cheating by lifting up the flags an exhausted Kevin finishes in just over 53 minutes Greg came in