
Showing posts from April, 2008
For my (Stephanie's) birthday, we took a trip to Palm Springs with some friends and rode the aerial tramway up to the mountains. It was a a great time with friends, with some wonderful views. Eric, Greg, Liz, Mike, Becca, Kevin, Katie, Joel and Stephanie: our hiking party. We experienced both snow and scorching heat in the same day! In the evening, a slightly different group of friends celebrated at TGI Fridays. 24 is not bad so far.

Strep throat

I have strep-throat...again! I think on both instances, I caught it from patients. I'm feeling pretty crummy today, however I should be getting better soon, because I already started antibiotics. Yesterday Kevin and I re-upholstered our trunk/bench. I think it looks quite nice. Maybe we'll post a picture when we get some decorative pillows to spruce it up more. Hope everyone is doing well. Stephanie
It has been a lovely weekend. We took nice longs walks both today and yesterday, and we admired many beautiful roses and nice houses. We also gave our cars much-needed baths! Ein is thoroughly exhausted from all the walking. Here Ein is with his "animal friends" that I used today in the 2&3 year-olds classroom at church to teach about animals.

a beautiful day

Today is about as beautiful a day you could ask for. It's mid 70's, sunny, with a slight breeze. The only bad thing is the poor visibility/smog. There are a lot of beautiful flowers out now, including the permeating smell of orange blossoms. I had a very nice ride on Astuto this morning, and then had a wonderful brunch with Nina. Now I'm just hanging around the apartment - I'm going to work on scrapbooking soon. I'm currently reading Wuthering Heights , which I'm really enjoying. I'm also kind of on a Jane Austen kick lately. I want to read her books, but so far I've mostly just seen the movies. I enjoy looking up the costumes and hairstyles from that period (the Regency period) as well. Here are some pictures from Medieval Day, last Friday. Medieval Day is an annual event for the 7th graders at Kevin's school. This year I came to help.


This is a very busy week for me (Stephanie). I'm not even able to go riding this week :( But anyway, some interesting things have happened. Tuesday night while petting Ein I discovered a huge, disgusting tick feasting on his flesh. I shrieked and called for Kevin to help. We tried putting iodine on the area, but the tick held fast. Then Kevin decided to burn the tick. He held a match to the tick's butt for awhile, and then Kevin was able to pull it out. We put the tick in a shot glass of bleach, to make sure he was dead. Poor Ein! I dressed his wound, and it is healing well. I thoroughly hate ticks. Hopefully no one gets lyme's disease. Today I had to get up at 5:20 am, on a day off! That's because our Inland Empire Society of Pediatric Nurses met at 6:00 am to drive to LA to attend an SPN:LA chapter meeting. After the meeting, we went to Hollywood for awhile, and that was pretty fun. We went by the Kodak theatre (where they hold the Oscar's). It was pretty cool to

The Ramblings of a Cripple

Howdy doody folks! So, I just got back from the D.C. trip with my 8 th grade class. Pretty fun. We had a smaller group this year than last (easier to manage) and they were also much better kids in general. Some of the girls would be your annoying middle school girls, but they didn't do stupid stuff (like trying to smuggle fruit and camera (both forbidden) into the White House by shoving them into her bra and only relenting when security pulls out the metal detector wand and asks what could possibly be causing her chest to a crazy aunt did last year), and they listened when they were told to stop. One interesting thing that happened. So, we're in Philadelphia ("D.C." trip is somewhat misleading as we also stop in Philadelphia and N.Y., but as I have just explained it, I expect no further confusion), and one of the teachers from the other school we toured with asked to stop at the steps Rocky Balboa runs up in (I believe) Rocky I. Well, despite my dislik