
Showing posts from October, 2010

Another Trip To Erie and Other News

It has been a while since our last update. Part of that is because there isn't much to report on (and after the last update, in many ways that is a good thing). Since I know it's what everyone really wants, here are a few pictures of Aundrea. She is getting a lot bigger, but she still won't laugh. For some reason Stephanie likes to take pictures of living things surrounded by stuffed animals (She has previously done this with Ein). Speaking of babies, Congratulations are in order for both Greg and Liz Wojo, as they have summoned the stork and are expecting a delivery, as well as Erik and Mary Youngdale who most likely (although this has not been confirmed as of the time of this writing) received their delivery. Greg and Liz, enjoy your sleep and free time, in a few months it will vanish entirely. Erik and Mary, welcome to the parenthood club! We did, earlier this month, visit Erie. As always, it was a good time. We took our usual walk at Presque Isle and searched for b