
Showing posts from April, 2011

Erie and Steph's Birthday

Well, two posts in the same month! You can tell I'm not long term subbing anymore! First, a few weeks ago Steph and I went to Erie, PA to visit my parents. Not that too many people here probably care, but this is one of the houses that we pass when we go for neighborhood walks. I love it. It has clinker brick (note how the bricks are not in straight lines). Aundrea enjoys these walks, especially when Grandma starts bouncing her around. It was kinda wet and rainy while we were there, but we braved the foul weather and went to the Erie Zoo. They had some animal costumes the kids could wear. Aundrea made a dainty butterfly. ...but she was less than elegant as a horse. Alas, I didn't get a picture of it, but when we first got to this exhibit, Steph was holding Aundrea right up to the glass, and the mother came right up to Aundrea and kissed the glass closest to her face. We came back from Erie. This picture has no significance other than I think it's hilarious when Aundrea slee

Why hello! Long time no see!

Image we haven't updated in a while. Well, until two or three weeks ago, I had a long term sub job at Hopkins High School teaching World and U.S. History and Government. Hopkins is about an hour from Ionia, so I was gone 12 hours a day, and during the weekend, when I was home, Steph worked and I babysat Aundrea. So life has been pretty uneventful. But, we know we cannot deny Aundrea's adoring public for long, so here's a quick post with some pictures from the last few months of our darling daughter. I'll try to do them in somewhat chronological order so you can see how she's grown. So here's Dr. Drea as she first delves into the realm of baby food. She doesn't eat a whole lot of baby food, as she prefers 'adult' food that has more texture to it (oatmeal, toast, just little bits and pieces of what we eat). Here are Dr. Drea's crew at church. Asher (middle) and Julia (left). In February my parents came out to visit for a weekend. Dr. Drea lo