
Showing posts from May, 2012


 Ok, so this is my first attempt at posting under the new format blogger has become.  I don't like it right now, because it's different, and my pictures got put in backwards from what they normally are, but I guess I'll get used to it. Here I am (above) at 17 weeks pregnant.  I feel like I have much more of a bump in reality than shows in pictures.  In pictures I just look chubby. I had my birthday last week Thursday, and because I didn't feel like sitting around at home all day, we went for a walk at Bertha Brock park, which is very close to home.  It was a cloudy day, but we had a good time.  Aundrea LOVES running on the bridges, swinging, and playing on the see-saw with us.  This seems to be one of the only parks that still has real see-saws!  So fun!  Going backwards, here are our pictures from Easter.  After church, we spent the afternoon with Kevin's Johnson side of the family.  Aundrea enjoyed the Easter-egg hunt :)