
Showing posts from 2013


 This June, we had a decent strawberry harvest from our garden.  Aundrea went nuts with picking berries, and it's questionable whether she got more strawberry juice on her dress or in her mouth.  These berries were so sweet - 10x better than any store-bought California berries!  Now that it's July, we have mulberries and raspberries to pick, so there is sure to be more stain-fighting on the way.  Our little peach trees are making their first crop.  I spotted a grand total of 2 peaches...well, it's a start!  Aundrea playing dress up....fairy princess gnome?  On July 4, we went to Dorr to watch the parade.  I have yet to find a better 4th of July parade than the one my little hometown of Dorr puts on.  There is a lot of candy!  Adelle didn't appreciate the sirens, but Aundrea had a blast.  Compared with last year, this year was hardly warm enough to go swimming, but I did brave the pool for awhile, for the kids' sake.  Aundrea and Adelle both love wa

The flood

It's no secret that we've had a crazy amount of rain lately, and as a result, there is some pretty impressive flooding going on.  Some people have asked me to share pictures, so here you go...  This woodchuck was seeking shelter from the water on the raised railroad track bed  old railroad track bridge - normally there is a lot more clearance  the water creeping up to our neighbor's house  across the street from our house...the Grand River is about 1/4 - 1/2 mile back, and this is the path we normally walk on to get there  In Lowell, the water from the Grand River and the Flat River flowed through downtown and residential neighborhoods.  Our church services were cancelled this week.  Some of the devastation along M-21 between Lowell and Saranac  Checking out the flooding  Our little stream became a raging torrent, and Kevin's bridge washed downstream