
Showing posts from May, 2008

A Night to Remember

So this weekend Steph and I took a little trip to Kansas. I know what you're thinking. Why on earth would you take the time and spend the money to spend the weekend in such a miserable place? Trust me, I understand your shock. It would take a very good reason for me to go to such a place, and as it happens, I had a very good reason; that is, the wedding of one Sasha Ann. Some of you may know who I am talking about. Others, however, might be quite in the dark as to who this Sasha character is and why I would be attending her wedding. Well let me tell you all, Sasha and I go way back. And when I say way back I mean Junior year of high school (remember folks, I'm a military brat. If I know someone for more than three years it's considered 'way back'. (For those who are looking at the picture below and thinking "This Sasha sure is weird..." you're right. But, it was I who gave her the idea of dressing as a cowboy and riding the carosel.) So the question t

Blazing hot

The last several days have been sweltering - usually over 100 degrees. This is when we remember that, yes, we do live in a desert. We try to avoid going outside in the heat of the day. At least our jobs have good air condition. Hope everyone is having a good week!

a late happy mother's day

I've been trying to post a Mother's Day post since Saturday, but I kept getting kicked off blogger! Anyway, a late happy mother's day to both of our moms. We love you so much! Thank you for raising us and helping us to become who we are today.