
Showing posts from 2008

Coastal Trip

So Saturday, Sunday and Monday Steph and I took a little road trip up the coast. It was a pretty fun trip, and I took loooots of pictures to share with you all. Aren't you excited? I can tell! The first stop on our trip was the legendary Hearst Castle. I always figured that the whole 'castle' bit was just an exaggeration for a really big mansion...but they really aren't kidding. It's an amazing place. Alright, so they took us around the outside first, so some pictures of the outside. Now before you look at these three pictures and say "That's it? Not much of a castle!", do not be alarmed. This is only the guest house he built for his grand kids. Pictures of the inside to come a little later. These photos are, of course, the outdoor pool. I say outdoor because there was naturally an indoor pool as well. According to the tour guide, at the time Mr. Hearst lived here, he owned all the land you can see in this picture (He called it his 'backyard').