An Update At Last

Yes, the long awaited, much anticipated, update from the Anderson household has finally come! Oh there shall be much dancing, singing and rejoicing in the streets tonight!


Last weekend I (Kevin) went to my parents house at Camp Pendelton. Unfortunatly Steph was working so could not attend. There were a few reasons this was significant. First, this was the last time I will spend the weekend with my parents in Oceanside. My dad is retiring from the Navy and on Monday will begin moving to Erie Penn. where he will take up a job as Chaplain at the VA hospital there.

The visit itself was fairly uneventful. Saturday we just watched a lot of football (a very dissapointing day in that regard), and then that night we went to the base theatre and saw Batman: The Dark Knight. I have of course already seen the movie, but my parents had not.

Sunday my Dad preached at the base chapel (I wonder if I will ever hear him preach again?), where he gave a sort of farewell sermon. After the service there was a farewell potluck (or potblessing as some churches prefer).

That afternoon my parents and I took a walk to the river (a walk we took frequently). I'm gonna miss it.

After the walk we watched a bit of football, and then my parents took me back to Albertsons (where I park my car off base). But then, as we were leaving, something magnificent happened. Something I had always wanted to see, I saw. And it was marvelous. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

It was great. I had always wanted to find one, but never had. I even looked around the garage for one after we cleaned it out hoping to find one of them. I was forced to abandon hope as we drove away, and then my dad swerved to avoid something that I thought was a ground squirrel. My mom said it was a tarantula and asked if I wanted to turn around and see it, and of course I said yes! I left feeling as though my Camp Pendelton experience was complete.

Life went back to normal for a few days until Thursday, when Steph and I went down to Camp Pendelton for my dads retirement ceremony. It was really interesting to see all these different people there. Herm Kaiser, the Chaplain coordinator (or something like that) for the CRC Church was there, and I knew him because he would have all the Chaplain's kids over for dinner twice a year when I was at Calvin. Some people I didn't even remember because they were from as long ago as Japan (I was 4-7 years old). But to be honest the whole thing was somewhat indescribable, so I don't think I'm going to try to hard to describe it.

So long Mom and Dad, we're going to miss you here in Cali!


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