The Ramblings of a Cripple

Howdy doody folks!

So, I just got back from the D.C. trip with my 8th grade class. Pretty fun. We had a smaller group this year than last (easier to manage) and they were also much better kids in general. Some of the girls would be your annoying middle school girls, but they didn't do stupid stuff (like trying to smuggle fruit and camera (both forbidden) into the White House by shoving them into her bra and only relenting when security pulls out the metal detector wand and asks what could possibly be causing her chest to a crazy aunt did last year), and they listened when they were told to stop.

One interesting thing that happened. So, we're in Philadelphia ("D.C." trip is somewhat misleading as we also stop in Philadelphia and N.Y., but as I have just explained it, I expect no further confusion), and one of the teachers from the other school we toured with asked to stop at the steps Rocky Balboa runs up in (I believe) Rocky I. Well, despite my dislike of the Rocky movies (Rocky lost all credibility with me when they dared to suggest that Sylvester Stallone could in any universe or dimension defeat the mighty Mr. T) I was quite excited about running up the steps while singing the song (you all know it...don't pretend you're not humming it to yourself at this very moment!). We get there and I run up, beating everyone in the group up the steps despite being towards the back of the bus. Then I decide that I am going to have to one up old Rocky...not only am I going to run up, I am also going to run back down. For those of you who have not tried, running swiftly down steps is not an easy process. I was attempting to take the steps three or four at a time when all the sudden SNAP! Here is some documented proof of this story (you really should click on the picture to view it in all its glory)

Anyway, went to the E.R. in N.Y. (I was too macho to go, but the tour guide, Debbi, kinda forced me to) and it was not broken, but I did tear some ligaments or some such business. We did get several pictures of the ankle right after the the incident when it was swollen just around the ankle and literally looked like someone shoved half a baseball under my skin (the pictures you're viewing were taken tonight, about 6 days after the event took place) but as I did not bring my own camera this trip, I am at the mercy of my students to actually e-mail them to me. When (if) I get the photos of the initial swelling, they shall be posted (and maybe with other pictures of the actual trip).

Some other good things that came out of this trip (Mike, this one is for you) the other teacher I went with, Mr. Smith, let me borrow and read the first book in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchet. Absolutely hysterical. I love it. He also introduced me to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, full of amazing and fun facts. I highly recommend it for anyone, even if you don't spend that much time in the bathroom (I read it while eating breakfast).

Alright! Enough for one post! Fare thee well!

P.S. I have no idea what "doody" means (besides the possible option of 'poop' which makes no sense in this situation, so clearly it can't mean that). Respond and tell me what YOU think 'doody' means in its current usage.


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