40 weeks along...now we're overdue!

June 26 was our due date, but no baby came. We thought you might appreciate some picture updates anyway. Above you see our well-stocked changing table, currently located in our master bathroom. Our plan is to relocate it upstairs when the nursery is done and baby moves upstairs. Below is a "diaper cake" I (Stephanie) got as a gift from co-workers.

Here I am with a huge belly! This first picture looks so weird!

This is a little better. I definitely have a watermelon-belly, but I guess that's ok when you're 40 weeks pregnant. I'm really wondering when this baby will come, and what it is! Please keep us in your prayers.


Unknown said…
I am sure that you are VERY anxious by now! We're thinking of you two and praying for you guys. Before you know it you'll be sharing all the details of your new little one!
Sarah Schenkel said…
How cute! I keep waiting to hear any news. Perhaps you're having him/her as I write this! :) SO excited for you guys.

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