March updates

Kevin and I spent about half a week in Pennsylvania with Mom and Dad Anderson and Marcie during Marcie's spring break. We brought Ein, and as you can see, he's not a fan of Otto. I thought these pictures were hilarious.

Ein shows his teeth...almost like a crazy smile

When all the snow melted, the Grand River flooded. The Grand River is about half a mile across the road from us, but it flooded almost up to the road!

Sara Baker, my friend of almost 26 years, married Mitch Vandyke on March 19. I was honored to be a bridesmaid and participate in their special day.

getting gussied up

The church was decorated beautifully with lots of pink roses!

Friends for life

me and Katie, the maid of honor, are both pregnant

It was a bit chilly to be waiting outside!

We sent them off with sparklers, and they left via...tractor?!

Here's my belly at 26 weeks. As I write this blog, I'm 27 weeks, which means I've hit the 6 month mark! I've gained about 17 or 18 pounds so far, which I think is pretty good for me at this point. I am very excited to have this baby! I've been feeling pretty good, other than dealing with some back pain and upset stomach at times. My goal right now is to really make progress on the nursery, because I feel like we're running out of time! The wallpaper is all off now, so it's time to clean the walls, repair the plaster, and paint!


Unknown said…
Looking good Steph! You looked totally adorable in that bridesmaid dress. Would love to see pictures of that nursery when you've got it done. I can't wait to hear the news ... I'm dying to know whether it's a little girl or boy! :)

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