Open House and more home repair.
Wow what a crazy couple days. We had our open house last night, and Steph and I were frantically getting ready for it. Actually, I was probably a bit more frantic than Stephanie because I was desperately scraping wallpaper, trying to finish with enough time left over to clean the room and take care of a few other things before guests began to arrive. Well, I set my deadline for 2:00, and lo and behold, I finish at 1:51. Yep, I was mighty proud of myself. So, I stood there for a moment, still standing ankle deep in wallpaper scrapings, pausing to silently pat myself on a back for finally finishing that...well, words can't even describe what a tedious pain that job was. As I stood there for that brief moment, mere seconds after finishing (literally), a car pulls into our driveway. It is Grandma and Grandpa Anderson, and Aunt Jo. Crap is all I can think. Steph is still bustling away in the kitchen, and I'm standing in what looks an Origami holocaust, covered in wallpaper glue drippings which looks, to an outsider, suspiciously like snot.
Well, it ended up working out all right, Aunt Jo helped shovel the driveway of all things, Grandma helped Stephanie in the kitchen, and Grandpa....
After they had seen the house, and Grandma had admonished me for the lightly stocked wet bar in the basement, they left, well before any other guests arrived.
Overall, we had a good turn out. We were pleasantly surprised by some of the people that we invited that actually came, like Ron and Elane DeYoung, Steph's old paster at Oakland. They were the first guests to arrive during regulation time. (We were also surprised at some of the people who didn't *cough*derekandgrandmaandgrandpadeboer*cough*.
After the DeYoungs left, there was another brief respite before Grandma and Grandpa Johnson came, along with Aunt Diane. I heard that Chad was going to come until he found out 'refreshments' didn't mean caviar and Fillet Mignon.
Now, to be perfectly honest, the post kinda ends there. "But Kevin," You say, "There are yet more pictures!" Yes, it is true. There are several pictures. Well, I might as well tell you this now. A blog/forum I have begun to regularly participate on is the Old House Forum, a place were old house owners talk about old house stuff, including how to fix the old houses. My next step in the Library/Parlor is going to be repairing the plaster walls, which unfortunately were significantly worse under the wallpaper than I had anticipated. But, for whatever reason, you can't post pictures from your computer to the website, they already have to be online. So this is my 'online' place to link pictures to. So if there are ever random pictures posted on here, with no text and no explanation, that's probably why.
But just to satisfy your curiosity, here's what I'm facing now.
Top of the North wall - you can't see it well, but there's a board there that is essentially flush with the skim coat. I don't know what to do with that (although I suppose really it doesn't matter since that will be covered by bookcases).
I think you know what this is for.