Baby update - 22 weeks

After numerous requests, I am finally posting pictures of my pregnant self. As I have told many people, I feel like my belly's really not all that impressive. It seems like I'm just spreading out on all sides! This first picture was taken about 2 or 3 weeks ago, when I was around 19 weeks. See....not much to see! I was still in my normal pants at that time, even if they were snug.

Now here I am a couple days ago, at 21 1/2 weeks. As I post this, I am 22 weeks. There is a big difference, but no watermelon.

This past Wednesday I had my big ultrasound. Baby was pretty shy, and didn't seem to want to show him/herself much. The technician was able to visualize almost everything she needed to, but I'll need to get another ultrasound next visit to try to get a better view of the heart. Everything we did see looked normal and healthy. Baby is 40th percentile in size, at about 15 oz. Heart rate was 154. We did not find out the gender. Even if we'd wanted to, I don't think we could have, because baby was keeping his/her legs together and tucked!
Kevin and I both agree that baby looks crowded in there. I guess it's only going to get more crowded!
I can feel the baby move pretty regularly now, and Kevin felt the baby move for the first time this past Monday. It is a really neat experience, and so far my favorite part of pregnancy. I have been feeling great, and I am very much looking forward to meeting this baby!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures,


Unknown said…
I did enjoy the pictures. I am sure you thoroughly enjoyed the ultrasound. It's cool that you get to have another one. They are certainly something to look forward to.

Have you SEEN the baby move yet? Just wait till you're laying in bed and you see it roll over. Really cool and really trippy at the same time!

Hope things continue going well and you continue to feel well!
Sarah said…
I'm so happy for you Steph! The last picture with the spine was really cool. I'm glad that you are feeling so good and it stays that way! Miss you!

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