visiting Anderson family

Kevin and I flew out to Erie, Pennsylvania on July 28 to visit Kevin's family. We got there in time to celebrate Marcie's golden birthday. She turned 28 on July 28! Marcie got some phone calls to wish her a happy birthday as she enjoyed her little ice cream "cake." Otto gave her a big birthday hug

On Wednesday we went to the Townridge Nature center. The tower was a bit windy...

so happy to be on vacation! Somehow I got coaxed into playing tambourine at a little concert in front of the art museum.

Kevin's parents live close to a nice Creek, where Otto loves to play. It was fun to walk in.

We went to Presque Isle several times while in Erie. Otto loves to swim and chase skipping stones.

On Friday we headed to Niagra Falls. It was my second time seeing Niagra Falls, but my first time on the American side. We went down to the cave of the mist for some first-hand experience of the American and Bridal veil falls.

From the foot of the American falls, we got a good view of horseshoe falls, with the maid of the mist boats

ready to get wet

I couldn't get over how GREEN it is here (California is so brown). I love the horseshoe falls

great view of the American falls with bridge and observation tower

me and Marcie


on a bridge on goat island

visiting the "three sisters" islands, and seeing the rapids of the mighty Niagra river before the falls

Saturday we headed to the Erie zoo. It's fairly small, but it was still a lot of fun. This lemur had a great pose going, and proceeded to make a lot of racket throughout the day.

beautiful jaguar

orangatangs are so funny-looking, but also so similar to humans in mannerisms, that I find them slightly disconcerting

the polar bear appeared to be OCD about maintaing a routine - he kept doing the same things over and over in cycles. Poor bear...

nice big white rhino

plotting his escape....

for some reason, these giraffes kept licking the wall



and me!

Sorry for all the weird spaces - not sure how to fix it, but I hope you enjoyed the pictures! We're off to Michigan tomorrow to see my family and get ready for Tracie's wedding!


Frans said…
Well, it wasn't hard finding you two on-line, with Google. Good to see that you're doing both so well! I've been trying to get hold of you, and see if you want to write a short piece for the new calvin medieval studies alumni website. Since that's how you two met, there's perhaps a good story. Please drop me a line!
Frans van Liere

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