A Murder's Afoot!

Two posts in a row...yikes. Either Stephanie has gotten lazy or somehow I have inherited this blog.

Saturday night we had a few people over for a How To Host A Murder dinner party. I will let the pictures do most of the talking as I don't feel like trying to explain it.

Here's the group. Not shown very well is Becca Triemstra. She turned out to be the killer so I guess she was trying to lay low.

I realize that no one else has a close up, but this picture of Heuker was just too good to pass up.

Kevin (me): Ace WWI pilot...with some mental problems...

Stephanie: The hussy. Toyed with the hearts of many, many men. Tisk tisk tisk.

Becca Triemstra: The Gold-digger. Also the killer...looks guilty as sin to me.

Nate Triemstra: The Loser. Dashing, charming, and a failure in all aspects of life.

Sarah Day: The 'woman' pilot. Killed her husband for his money. Never trust a female behind the wheel...

Greg Wo...: The sleazy businessman.

Liz Lyon: failed murderer (she would have killed the guy if Becca hadn't beat her to it).

Nate Heuker: The debonair hunter. Married to Liz.

All in all it was a really good time. Steph made an amazing dinner and we finally got to use the humongous table Grandma and Grandpa A gave to us.

That's all folks!


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