it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...for California!

Last night we made gingerbread houses. Actually, Kevin made a "ginger bread" (graham cracker) castle, and I made a gingerbread house/cottage. We decided it was a bear kingdom - note the gummy bears. I think the castle is pretty impressive, with it's many gummy bear guards.
I had a problem with my house falling apart, so I held it together for a long time, and it finally stuck!
I got new makeup from Victoria's Secret, and I LOVE it! I wanted to show my awesome eyeliner in this picture - it has green and gold sparkles! Very exciting....although I think it's kinda scary seeing my face and freckles this close up.

It has been raining a lot lately, and it rained ALL DAY yesterday. That means that in higher elevations, it snowed. I came outside to a beautiful view of the snowy mountains today. I can never get over seeing Palm trees and snow in one view. Winter is pretty in California.


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